Jewelry Photo Retouching
Jewelry Photo Retouching Services
So, what does the jewelry photo retouching services entail?
Jewelry Retouching Service is an image editing service that specifically focuses on bringing out the sparkle in pieces of art. In this case, the art is pieces of jewelry such as rings, necklaces, and bracelets. Light and color correction tools are used during the service to showcase the expertise of the creator piece of jewelry in a bid to make it more appreciative to the eyes.
Also, the big idea is to make such gems shine and increase the potential of a customer to make purchases. Good Jewelry photo editing services like ours can help with that. While a DSLR camera may try its best to capture such items in the best light and even reproduce the tiniest details, the image still can turn out less than expected. Good jewelry photos, on the other hand, which have been optimized, can turn out to be fancier after professional editing and Jewelry Retouch Services.
It's also worthy to note that a good number of images have jewelry that is worn by a model, mannequin, or propped against something. During jewelry photo editing, these other elements can be removed to allow the jewelry to be the only object in the background. As a result, the eyes are enticed to focus more on its design without being distracted by the model, mannequin, or holder.
To that effect, you'll find processes such as flaws evacuation, honing, jewels retouching, lickers and reflections revision, shading redress, photo background removal amongst several others as part of the service. All that is required is a jewelry retouching software like Adobe Photoshop, and everything will fall into place.
1. Jewelry Shadow Creation
2. Background & Mannequin Removal
3. High-End Jewelry Retouching
4. Scratch & Dust Removal
5. Jewelry Color Correction and Editing
6. Recoloring of Gold and Silver
7. Repainting Shine on Metal
2. Background & Mannequin Removal
3. High-End Jewelry Retouching
4. Scratch & Dust Removal
5. Jewelry Color Correction and Editing
6. Recoloring of Gold and Silver
7. Repainting Shine on Metal
Jewellery Photo Retouching Examples in Full Size
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