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Body Retouch


Fixskilltech brings exceptional services - speed, control, and quality work production.

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Body Slimming Photo Editor

Body slimming involves multiple adjustments. You can order cellulite removal and specify what body areas require our attention. We will give the skin a smooth and healthy look by means of the Liquefy technique in Photoshop.

We can make a waist thinner and adjust the rest of the body parts without following advertising standards. While editing a face, we will get rid of a second chin, make cheeks smaller, and apply a plastic surgery effect if needed.

Level: High End

Body photo editing applied:
  • Color correction
  • Background retouching
  • Skin blemishes removal
  • Natural skin smoothening
  • Dodge & Burn effect
  • High End photo retouching

High-End Body Retouching

Professional but realistic retouching and color correction are the main features of our high end body editing services. Creating a perfect body image taken in the studio requires more editing.

In addition to standard body retouching services as skin airbrushing, body liquefying and body blemishes removal, Fixskilltech retouchers will improve the background, apply the Dodge and Burn effect, make the photo HDR, clothes smooth, swap a head/face, etc.

Level: High End

Body photo editing applied:
  • Photo color correction
  • Skin enhancement
  • Blemishes removal
  • Figure shaping
  • Making slimmer
  • Adding skin a natural color

Natural Body Retouching

All types of manipulations with a body are highly popular and there are many programs created specifically for that purpose. You can find many free slimming photo editors, body reshaping tools, breast photo editors, and other similar instruments. However, the common problem is overdoing with body retouching and showing incorrect body curves and lines.

If you want a perfect body with correct structure, order natural body retouching services at Fixskilltech. With lot of experience in this field, we know how to improve female and male bodies without making them look unnatural.

Level: Pro

Body photo editing applied:
  • Color correction
  • Skin retouching
  • Stylization
  • Clothes retouching
  • Adjusting build

Boudoir photos retouching 

Boudoir photo retouching and body editing will make photos look glamour. These particular services are used to make all visible face and body parts look wonderful and stylish. Retouchers also work on the skin color and give it a healthy look if it is too pale.

Airbrush skin

Skin airbrushing is one of the main perfect body photo editing services that is useful if you need to get rid of scars and acne, alter the skin tone, highlight particular areas without damaging the skin texture.

Dodge and Burn effect

With the help of the Dodge and Burn tool Fixtskilltech retouchers will highlight beautiful curves of the model’s athletic body. We will set the balance between darker and lighter parts of a photo to provide you with a professional result.

Background & Body retouching

In addition to body editing, you can also order background retouching. It should be a harmonious connection between a model, her clothes, a general style of a photo and a background. We can correct colors, remove harsh shadows, arrange light accents to give your photo a professional look.

Remove items

While editing body on photos, we pay attention to all distracting items and remove them without leaving any trace. These can be bra straps or sunburn marks that spoil a portrait image.

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